The Hong Kong Smart Dance Extravaganza welcomes participants from all over the world. The Competition aims to encourage young musicians in their pursuit of artistic excellence, and provides the exceptional opportunity for young talents to perform in New York’s prestigious Carnegie Hall and other renowned concert venues. Through this cultural exchange platform, the Festival strives to enhance musical performance in Hong Kong and to foster a love of the performing arts in the community. 


由創舞坊主辦之「香港舞林盛會2017」,比賽目的以推廣舞蹈文化為宗旨,為有志成為專業舞者的人士提供一個磨練平台、交流的機會,並以舞蹈作為溝通的橋樑,讓彼此切磋舞藝,增進友誼,精益求精。 「香港舞林盛會2017」將於本年7月假香港柴灣青年廣場舉行。有志成為專業舞者的舞蹈員尖子,舞蹈人士,要抓緊磨練及提升自己的機會;也希望老師及家長鼓勵有志之士參加此項充滿挑戰的活動。